Benchmark - 00820140162

Benchmark Number 00820140162
Established In 2014
Condition GOOD
Latitude 46.196044
Longitude -82.346724
Reference Benchmark No
Vertical Datum Code UNKNOWN
Description Ministry Transportation Ontario Agency marker stamped 00820140162, set vertically on the SW side of Trans-Canada Highway (no. 17) in bedrock. The bedrock is SW of the side railing and NE of the train tracks. An Esso gas station is eastward.

Coordinates updated based on final PPP solution from occupation in 2020, description updated from field notes taken 2019. Unique number changed from 00820140162 to M14U9500 on Mar 2021. Previous coordinates: 46.19605, 82.34669

Date Elevation Status Vertical Datum Code
2020-10-06 11.603 ACTIVE CDIGLD1985